Thursday, February 11, 2010

18 inch doll clothes from old stuff!

My niece is really into her American Girl Doll and so I made this little outfit for her birthday. The shirt/dress was made from the top of an old t-shirt. I just snipped a little hole in the neck and fed some elastic through to gather it to doll sized. The skirt was made from the bottom of a jeans pant leg. The ladybug leggings were from one of my favorite pair of socks that were just a little too holey!! And the slipper boots where made from another worn out pair of socks.

1 comment:

  1. how cute is that??? okay, but seriously, you need to post pictures that blow up a little more so i can seeeee! and, secondly, i have those same ladybug socks...and mine, too, are well-worn. sad.
